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  • 上海博升生物科技有限公司 |
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  • 公司地址:上海市上海市徐汇区肇嘉浜路825号尚秀商务楼1号楼5K

博升生物是一家通过ISO9001认证,专注于生命科学技术领域的高科技企业,专业代理动物细胞培养产品及体外诊断原料,涉及的产品有:胎牛血清、新生牛血清、诊断血清、细胞因子、培养基、牛血清白蛋白、自免疾病检测原料、过敏疾病检测原料、传染病原料、肿瘤相关抗原抗体、阻断剂、抗体/蛋白稳定剂、HRP酶稳定剂、AP酶稳定剂、封闭液、封板剂、人血清替代品、TMB底物等。 博升生物拥有独立的进出口权,在海关、检疫局、质监局、外汇局都有备案;可以为客户提供生物制品的代理申报、清关、物流和付汇等专业服务。 经营原则:“质量第一,服务第一”。永远牢记:“质量和服务是企业的生存之本”。 用人原则:“唯才是用,唯能力重用”。不论学历、资力,只看能力,适合企业的就是最优秀的。 企业愿景:成为生命科学技术领域客户的首选服务商;成为员工实现自身价值的最佳平台。 BioSun is a professional distributor dedicated to providing imported brand name bio-reagents. We are the authorized distributor in China for many well-known companies such as BioAustralis,Biospacific,Biosera,Bioventix,Calbioreagents, Candor Bioscience, Diarect AG, Indoor Biotechnologies, Medicago,Proliant, SLR, etc. We offer a myriad of life science reagents and diagnostic raw materials at the most reasonable prices and the highest quality: Bovine serum albumin, Fetal Bovine Serum,Newborn Serum, Autoimmune disease antigens, Infectious disease antigens, Allergens, Tumor Markers, The blocking solution, Antibody stabilizer, HRP-protector, AP-protector, TMB substrate and so on. Our ISO 9001:2008 quality management system ensures that your special requests are handled and delivered quickly, efficiently and accurately. Our goal, as always, is to be your best and reliable partner and help you achieve success in China. Thank you for your support!
